The Zuora feature allows you to configure the connection with your Zuora tenant, the Hosted Pages for payment information and the context.
How to make the connection?
To establish the connection:
- Connection type: You can select from the available drop down values This field defines the Zuora REST API endpoint, and depends on where your Zuora tenant is located. For more information, please visit https://www.zuora.com/developer/api-reference/#section/Introduction/Access-to-the-API.
- Username: user must be an API user in Zuora Need test data - Need test API user in Zuora
- Password: Set password according to Zuora
Name of the field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
Connection type | Dropdown | Mandatory | Type of the connection |
Username | Text field | Mandatory | User Name |
Password | Password | Optional | Password |
How to add a Hosted Page?
Click on the button "Add a hosted page" in the iframe section
Bug ID https://fab.valuein.fr/T10087
- Display Location: select where the Hosted Page has to be displayed in the Shop.
- Name: define a name for the Hosted Page
- Button Name: define the label displayed on the button
- Iframe Id: Select the hosted paged in Zuora.
- Gateway Id: select the Payment Gateway used by the Hosted Page. You can create a Payment Gateway in Zuora: go to <your name> >> Payments >> Setup Payment Gateway
Note: The hosted page name and the Domain name URL must be the domain of the shop.
Name of the field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
Tennant Id | Text field | Yes | To get this Id, log into your Zuora tenant, go to <your name> >> Profile >> Manage Your Profile |
Country Code | Dropdown | Yes | This is the country of the legal entity. |
Preview Charge Prefix | Text field | Yes | Use to identify the answer of the query for this shop |
Execution Environment
Name of the field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
Execution Level | Dropdown | Yes | Zuora bulling feature |