How to navigate :
> Go to admin site https://<yourURL>/admin/dashboard > Click on "Transfer" In left navigation > Click on "Import" under the "Transfer"
Step 01 :
Then Upload file window will be opened.
Choose zip file that user wants to import. The zip file which was exported in the previous page , is imported here.
Step 02 :
Then click on "Upload file" button. Please note that only one zip file can be uploaded at a time.
Once the file is uploaded, a tick sign will be displayed next to "Upload file" button text. "Confirm Content" button also get enable.
When user clicks on first column heading, Imported file details will be displayed.
Following are the column names :
[Section name] | Importing entities | Action - [x] updates - [x] creations | UUID |
Unique UUID will be generated for each entities separately.
There will be two types of actions. these are "creating new entry" and "updating" (Please refer the following Screenshot attached herewith)
Step 03 :
Click on "Confirm content" button.
Upon clicking on "Confirm content" button, "Update credentials" content will be displayed.
Since the "upload file" and "Confirm content" functions are completed, there will be tick sign next to those button text.
Another important thing is "Update credentials" button is enabled to proceed with further activities.
When user clicks on first column heading, Imported file details will be displayed.
Following are the column names :
[Section name] | Importing entities | Action - [x] updates - [x] creations | UUID | Configure - [x] configurable - [x] valids - [x] invalids |
Click on "Update credentials" button. Then, "Update data" content will be displayed.
In this stage, tick sign will be displayed next to "Upload file", "Confirm content" and "Update credentials" button text.
When user clicks on first column heading, Imported file details will be displayed.
Following are the column names :
[Section name] | Importing entities | Action - [x] updates - [x] creations | UUID | Configure - [x] configurable - [x] valids - [x] invalids |
Step 04 :
Click on "Update data" button. Then it will redirect to the "Confirm import" content page.
At this stage, tick sign will be displayed next to each button text, except for the "Confirm import" button.
When user clicks on first column heading, Imported file details will be displayed.
Following are the column names :
[Section name] | Importing entities | Action - [x] updates - [x] creations | UUID |
Upon clicking on "Confirm import" button, a confirmation dialog-box will be popped up.
Once user click on the "Confirm import" button in the pop-up, success banner will be displayed as "Import done".
does it accept 'all zeros' (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) as a UUID value ?
It is used when the entity type is unique to match between multiple instance without the need to manually align the uuid before.
Is the same UUID value allowed to save for "Cart" ,"Currency" , "open days", "Online help" entities ?
The uuid must be unique per entity type, so it's ok if two different entity type have the same uuid.