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Objectives of the config page

This page present how we can create and edit a product and associate Valuein Product & Product Rate Plan to Zuora Product & Product Rate Plan

This will be separate into several part :

  • Actions
  • Main informations
  • Shopping
  • Rate plans
  • Caractéristiques
  • Medias
  • Relations
  • Boutiques
  • Shipping Strategies
  • Upgrade / downgrade
  • Included / excluded


Objectives of the config page

Standard menu that permit to create or duplicate the product, and clear the product cache.

Section description

The Action List enable the capacity to synchronize the Product Catalog from Zuora to Valuein. This menu can be found on this page on the upper-left conner of the page, here :

By clicking on this menu you have access to several options :

  • Add : By clicking on this link, it will load a new page, that enable for you the creation of a brand new product
  • Retourner à la liste : By clicking on this link, it will drive you to the Product List page in Valuein
  • Duplicate : By clicking on this link, it will go on a new page and create a duplicate of the current product.
  • Clear product cache : By clicking on this link, this will trigger a synchronization between Valuein & Zuora. Valuein retrieve asynchronously the Product Catalog from Zuora in order for you to select the correct Rate plan & charges you want to associate with the Product you are creating in Valuein.


Please note that the Clear Product Cache option should be triggered manually each time the Zuora Product Catalog is modified in order to reflect the correct ID from Zuora to Valuein.

Main informations

Objectives of the config page

This part contains the main information of the product, such as the Name, the Description, the SKU, the Product Type.

Section description

Here are describe the standard fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
NameStringYesName of the product
SKUStringYesReference code of the product
Product TypePicklistYesPicklist with one of the following options : * Primary * Standalone * Option
Short DescriptionText Area (WYSIWYG)YesShort description of the Product. This use the WYSIWYG HTML Editor.
CommentairesText Area (WYSIWYG)YesLong description of the Product. This use the WYSIWYG HTML Editor.
RatingPicklistYesRating of the product. Used to print the number of Stars on the Shop. Values are : * 0/5 * 1/5 * 2/5 * 3/5 * 4/5 * 5/5
PositionIntegerYesPosition of the product. Will be printed increasing order on the Shop when looking for products


Objectives of the config page

This define the defaults Tax Class and Susbription Strategy used by this product, as well as Commission Rate.

Section description

Here are describe the standard fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
Tax classPicklistYesThis fields determine the stadard Tax Rate applied for this product. The values here are the values created in the menu Tax Rate . You can create a new Tax Rate by clicking on the button "Add a Tax rate" below this field
Subscription StrategyPicklistYesThis fields determine the stadard Subscription Strategy applied for this product. The values here are the values created in the menu Config >> Subscription Strategies. If you select the value "Use default strategy", the default Subscription Strategy defined for the environment, that you can also define in the menu Config >> Subscription Strategy, will be applied for this product

You can also create here a Commission Rate. A Commission Rate determine the commission percetage applied on the amount of the product, used for calculating providers rate commissions and amount, that are applied to partners defined in the Providers menu. The Commission Rate Section is not Mandatory.

Here are the description of the fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the Commission Rate.
Platform RateIntegerYesThis field value should be between 0 and 100. The field in this value is translated into a percentage. It represent the value in percetage that will be given to the Partner
Starting DateDateYesThis field represent the including Start Date on when the Commission will be applied.
Ending DateDateYesThis field represent the including End Date on when the Commission will be applied.

You can add several Platform Rate one after another by clicking on the button "Add a commission rate".

Rate plans

Objectives of the config page

This section enable the configuration of the Rate plan, charges, prices, and specific rules that needs to be applied to them.

Section description

In this section, you are able to add several Rate Plan and specify prices depending on the Zuora Catalog.

First, you will need to click on the "Add a rate plan" button. You will see a new section appear with the following look :

Here is a description of the fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
NomStringYesContains the name of the Rate plan that will be printed on the Shop. Can be the same or a different one from the Zuora Rate Plan name
External IDPicklistYesThis fields should contains the Zuora Product Rate Plan associated that you wished for. You can attach several Valuein Product Rate Plan to the same Zuora Product Rate Plan and specify dedicated rules, depending on how you want to sell this rate plan. Once selected, the part will refresh showing you standard price and charges associated to the Zuora Charge Selected, that you can edit based on your preference. List of Products and Rate plan available in this picklist depend on the Clear Product Cache.
PositionIntegerYesPosition of the Rate Plan within the Product in the Shop, when searching.
ChargesSectionYesThis section appears once you select a valid External ID.
Subscription StrategyPicklistYesBy selecting a strategy here, you configure a Subscription Strategy for this Rate Plan. If it is not the same as the one define on the Product Level, this one will be used. By default, the one selected for the Product will be used. If you choose here "Use default strategy", it will use the one configure on the Product Level.
Add commission rateSectionNoThis button as the same functionnality as the one in the Shopping section. If you do not configure Commission Rate here, the one configured in the Shopping Section will be used. If you do not configure any Commission Rate for the Rate Plan or the Poduct, no Commission will be applied.
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the Rate Plan selected.


When selecting an External ID, the Charges Section will appear / refresh based on what is configured in Zuora.
When updating the External ID, the old charges will be flag as "Supprimer", and the new charges associated on the Rate Plan will be created and printed on the screen, waiting for specified configuration if needed.

Here are a descripton of the fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the Rate Plan Charges selected. When updating the External ID, this field will be updated automaticaly by the system to True.
External IDPicklistYesThis field represent the Charge associated to the Rate Plan that should be in Zuora (and retrieved with the "Clear product cache" option
NameStringNoThis field represent the Name of the Charge you want to print on the Shop. this name can be different of the one in Zuora. If you do not set this value, the Zuora Charge Name will be used by default.
Base priceIntegerNoBase standard price of the charge. This override the price configure in Zuora for the related Charge. If not set, the price from Zuora will be used.
Specific pricingSectionNoThis enable specific pricing when some conditions are met.
QuantitéIntegerYesThis specify the default quantity for this charge.
Unit of MeasurementStringNoThis is used for Charges with price per unit. The unit of measure will be print on the Shop if this field is filled. If not, the Unit of Measure from Zuora will be used.
Quantity ConfigurationPicklistYesThis field specified the edition of the quantity in the Shop. If set to "Not Editable", the quantity will not be editable on the Shop during the product selection. If set to Editable, the quantity will be editable during the product selection. If set to Checkbox, the quantity will be changed into a checkbox, meaning that the charge can be included or not.
PositionDrag and Drop#N/ABy drag and drop, you can choose the order of the Charge that will be printed on the screen on the Shop.

Specific pricing

The Specific pricing section contains a button. By clicking on this button, you can specify certains rules that should apply during the product selection.

Rules are applied on order, from the top to bottom. Here is a description of the fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
#N/ADrag and Drop#N/ABy drag and drop, you can specify the order of the rules that will be applied. First rules calculted comes from the top one to the bottom one.
ConditionsSectionYesSpecify conditions. When all conditions are met, the specific pricing rules will be trigger. You can add any conditions you want, and create new one with the green button "+".
CurrencyPicklistYesThe currencies on which the conditons will be triggered. The specific pricing rule will trigger if the currency is the same as the one in the shop during the product selection process
QuantitiesIntegerNoSpecifiy a range of Quantity on which the specific rules should trigger. Is empty, this rule should apply whatever the quantity is.
PricesIntegerYesSpecific Price to apply when the rules is triggered.
OperationPicklistYesSpecify how the rule will apply the price : * Set : by setting the price to the specified value * Add : by adding the amount specified to the current price * Percentage : apply the specifiec percentage of the value.


  • Do not try to add several charges that are not in the same rate plans, as this will not works. Create Rate Plans with the charges you want before hand.
  • You can have several Valuein Rate Plan linked to the same Zuora Rate Plan, if the Product Rate Plan catalog is functionnaly the same.


Objectives of the config page

This page specify the front end caracteristic and custom fields values that can be associated to the product

Section description

This page is separated into two sections

Front end attribute

By clicking on the button "Add an attribute", you are able to create an attribute for this product.

Here is a description of the fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the Front end attributes selected.
NomStringYesName of the Front End Attribute created for this product
ValueStringYesThe value associated to this Front End Attribute.

Management attributes

If you have configured some Custom Fields via the menu Config >> Custom Field, and attached the fields on the Entity "Products", fields will be displayed here for you to fill.


Objectives of the config page

On this page, you can associate a picture to the product, that will be printed on the Shop.

Section description

You can either import a new picture or select an existing pictures already imported.


  • Supported format : jpg, png.


Objectives of the config page

On this page, you can configure options and products related to the current product selected. You can also associate a Provider (used to determine which Provider sell this Product).

Associated product can be either Groups of Product or Products.

Section description


  • Fournisseurs : you can choose here any provider registered in the Providers section
  • Products Rate Plans : enter here all product rate plans registered in Valuein in order to add them in the Related Product section of the Product on the Shop.
  • Add a Rate Plan : click on this button in order to create a Rate Plan and add it in the section.
  • Add a filter : click on this button if you want to show products dynamicaly. The products shown will be the one that correspond to the filter.

Rules are applied in priority order, from top to bottom. Here are describe the standard fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the filter selected.
PriorityDrag and Drop#N/ABy drag and drop, you can choose the order of the Group that will be printed on the screen on the Shop.
FilterPicklistYesThis field contain the group you want to add in the section. By clicking on the button "Add" you can create directly here a filter that will be used in this section.

You can add several filters by clicking on the button "Add a filter" that is below the array.

Product options

Products Rate Plans added here will be able to the customer for selection after selecting the main product. The customer will be able to choose one of the Rate Plan by clicking on a radio button.

  • Products Rate Plans : Only Products Rate Plans configured in a Product which is Product Type is "Option" will be available here for association.
  • Add a rate plan : click on this button in order to create a Rate Plan and add it in the section.
  • Add a filter : click on this button if you want to show products dynamicaly. The products shown will be the one that correspond to the filter.

Products Rate Plans will be displayed by priority order, from top to bottom. Here are describe the standard fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the filter selected.
PriorityDrag and Drop#N/ABy drag and drop, you can choose the order of the Group that will be printed on the screen on the Shop.
FilterPicklistYesThis field contain the group you want to add in the section. By clicking on the button "Add" you can create directly here a filter that will be used in this section.

You can add several filters by clicking on the button "Add a filter" that is below the array.


  • Create product options and filters separately in the corresponding section, as you will be more flexible in the configuration screen. Elements printed in the related section by clicking on the buttons are made simple in order to display only minimal information, and do not contains all configurable elements.


Objectives of the config page

Specify on which Shop the Product should be shown.

Section description

Click on the button "Add a Shop" in order to add the product on a shop. The following array will be printed :

You can click again on "Add a Shop" to enable this product for several Shop.

Here are a description of the standard fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the Shop association selected (not the Shop, only the association Product <-> Shop).
BoutiquePicklistYesThis field contain the Shop on which the Product is available.


  • You need to create the Shop in the related menu before adding it in this section.

Shipping Strategies

Objectives of the config page

Define the Shipping Strategy for this Product. See the section "Shipping Strategy" for more information.

Section description

  • Chosen Shipping Strategy : this picklist associate the Product to a Shipping Strategy.
  • Add a Shipping Strategy : by clicking on this button, a popup will be shown, enabling the possibility to create a Shipping Strategy.
  • Display Shipping Strategy In Quote : If checked, the name of the Shipping Strategy will be shown during the Quotation process in the Shop.


  • It is recommended to create the Shipping Strategy before associated it with the Product, as you will be more flexible in the configuration screen.

Upgrade / downgrade

Objectives of the config page

Products Rate Plans associated here will be available for Upgrade or Downgrade (depending the configuration), which will enable the possibility for the User to upgrade and downgrade from this product to another one on the Shop, using the Self Care part of the Shop.

The Products available can either be groups or Specific Product Rate Plans.

Section description

Upgrade products

  • Products Rate Plans : Specify here the Products Rate Plans available for Upgrade.
  • Add a rate plan : click on this button in order to create a Rate Plan and add it in the section.
  • Add a filter : click on this button if you want to show upgrade products dynamicaly. The products shown will be the one that correspond to the filter.

Products Rate Plans will be displayed by priority order, from top to bottom. Here are describe the standard fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the filter selected.
PriorityDrag and Drop#N/ABy drag and drop, you can choose the order of the Group that will be printed on the screen on the Shop.
FilterPicklistYesThis field contain the group you want to add in the section. By clicking on the button "Add" you can create directly here a filter that will be used in this section.

You can add several filters by clicking on the button "Add a filter" that is below the array.

Downgrade products

  • Products Rate Plans : Specify here the Products Rate Plans available for Downgrade.
  • Add a rate plan : click on this button in order to create a Rate Plan and add it in the section.
  • Add a filter : click on this button if you want to show downgrade products dynamicaly. The products shown will be the one that correspond to the filter.

Products Rate Plans will be displayed by priority order, from top to bottom. Here are describe the standard fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the filter selected.
PriorityDrag and Drop#N/ABy drag and drop, you can choose the order of the Group that will be printed on the screen on the Shop.
FilterPicklistYesThis field contain the group you want to add in the section. By clicking on the button "Add" you can create directly here a filter that will be used in this section.

You can add several filters by clicking on the button "Add a filter" that is below the array.


  • Create products and filters separately in the corresponding section, as you will be more flexible in the configuration screen. Elements printed in the related section by clicking on the buttons are made simple in order to display only minimal information, and do not contains all configurable elements.

Included / excluded

Objectives of the config page

Products Rate Plans associated here will be automaticaly included or excluded from the cart when the main product is added (depending the configuration).

The Products available can either be groups or Specific Product Rate Plans.

Section description

Included products

  • Products Rate Plans : Specify here the Products Rate Plans that will be included.
  • Add a rate plan : click on this button in order to create a Rate Plan and add it in the section.
  • Add a filter : click on this button if you want to show upgrade products dynamicaly. The products shown will be the one that correspond to the filter.

Products Rate Plans will be displayed by priority order, from top to bottom. Here are describe the standard fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the filter selected.
PriorityDrag and Drop#N/ABy drag and drop, you can choose the order of the Group that will be printed on the screen on the Shop.
FilterPicklistYesThis field contain the group you want to add in the section. By clicking on the button "Add" you can create directly here a filter that will be used in this section.

You can add several filters by clicking on the button "Add a filter" that is below the array.

Excluded products

  • Products Rate Plans : Specify here the Products Rate Plans that needs to be excluded.
  • Add a rate plan : click on this button in order to create a Rate Plan and add it in the section.
  • Add a filter : click on this button if you want to show downgrade products dynamicaly. The products shown will be the one that correspond to the filter.

Products Rate Plans will be displayed by priority order, from top to bottom. Here are describe the standard fields :

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
SupprimerCheckboxYes (default : False)This field is either False or True. By clicking on this checkbox, and set it to true, and updating the product on this page, it will delete the filter selected.
PriorityDrag and Drop#N/ABy drag and drop, you can choose the order of the Group that will be printed on the screen on the Shop.
FilterPicklistYesThis field contain the group you want to add in the section. By clicking on the button "Add" you can create directly here a filter that will be used in this section.

You can add several filters by clicking on the button "Add a filter" that is below the array.


  • Create products and filters separately in the corresponding section, as you will be more flexible in the configuration screen. Elements printed in the related section by clicking on the buttons are made simple in order to display only minimal information, and do not contains all configurable elements.