Objectives of the 'Contact Component page
This page is to define appendix/pages we want to add at the quote, like legal terms and conditions, price list, documentation of a product added in the quote...
Section description
When you click on 'Add new' button you direct to the creation page with below tabs
Main Information-tab
Name of the field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Name of the component |
Enabled From | calendar | Yes | The date when contract form should enabled |
Enabled To | calendar | Yes | The last day of contract form enabled |
Execution Priority | String | Yes | Priority of the execution |
Compatible templates | String | No | select compatible template |
Compatible shops | String | No | Compatible shop names |
Compatible groups | String | No | Compatible group names |
Compatible products | String | No | Compatible Product names |
Incompatible products | String | No | Incompatible product names |
Excluded Contracts | String | No | Excluded contract names. It means in which contracts should exclude this component |
Name of the field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
Render Priority | number | Yes | Render priority |
Content type | Pick list | Yes | Contact type file/template/dynamic pages |
Upload file | String | Yes | Upload a file |