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Contract Component

Objectives of the 'Contact Component page
This page is to define appendix/pages we want to add at the quote, like legal terms and conditions, price list, documentation of a product added in the quote...

Section description
When you click on 'Add new' button you direct to the creation page with below tabs

Main Information-tab

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
NameStringYesName of the component
Enabled FromcalendarYesThe date when contract form should enabled
Enabled TocalendarYesThe last day of contract form enabled
Execution PriorityStringYesPriority of the execution
Compatible templatesStringNoselect compatible template
Compatible shopsStringNoCompatible shop names
Compatible groupsStringNoCompatible group names
Compatible productsStringNoCompatible Product names
Incompatible productsStringNoIncompatible product names
Excluded ContractsStringNoExcluded contract names. It means in which contracts should exclude this component


Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
Render PrioritynumberYesRender priority
Content typePick listYesContact type file/template/dynamic pages
Upload fileStringYesUpload a file