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Global document

Objectives of the Global document page
Upload terms and conditions documents ( CGV or GDPR, etc)

Section description

By default, the global document is a CGV document. Most of the time the global document displays in the footer.
Other documents can be added. For that action, a needed document has to be uploaded in media section.
Once, document uploaded,
Go to left navigation Config ->> Global Document ->> Add new.

Name of the fieldTypeMandatoryDescription
NameStringYesName of the Global document
Defaultcheck boxNoIt will select as the default global document
Effective Start DateDateYesGlobal document activation date
LabelStringYesLabel of the document
FileimageYesimage of the page

Select the label of the document, upload a document.
Document will display on the website.

We can link the global document into the header and footer section.